Dear Faith Leader,

We are excited to announce plans for Social Justice Summer 2020!

Social Justice Summer is a national call to action for congregations and other faith communities to a dedicated time of social justice-themed worship, book study, small group discussion, and at least one social justice action on an important issue affecting communities across the country. Our theme for 2020 is “For Such a Time as This.”

At a time of deep divisions in our country, we face numerous challenges to the vision of a just and equal society – from deepening inequality to separation of families at our border to attempts of voter disenfranchisement during the 2020 election year and more.  But now is also a time of great hope and opportunity as we have seen people organize and mobilize in unprecedented numbers to build a more just society.

Therefore, Social Justice Summer 2020 invites congregations and other faith communities to commit for 4-6 weeks to the following:

  • Book Study on Social Justice
  • Sermon Series on Social Justice
  • Small Group Discussion, and
  • at least one Social Justice Action

Our five areas of focus are voting rights, criminal justice reform, immigration reform, economic equality, and education. We are also excited to share that we have a Youth Track in the works. Moreover, when you register, your congregation or organization can be added to our national Find-A-Church map (optional).

Social Justice Summer is offered in the spirit of Mississippi Freedom Summer, a 1964 voter registration drive during the Civil Rights Movement. By combining a discipleship model with grassroots organizing, we envision a movement for justice fueled by the faith that motivated freedom movements in years past with a hope that will compel generations to come.

We hope you will join us for Social Justice Summer 2020 – for such a time as this!


Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver
Founder and President