Join us on a Lenten journey of contemplation
and action based on Luke 4:18-19. 

Dear Friends,

On this Ash Wednesday, many of us are beginning the season of Lent feeling troubled by the constant news of injustice and oppression around the world and all too close to home, even in our own back yard. Many of us are already are or want to be engaged in challenging ministries that speak truth to power on issues of economic justice, immigration reform, criminal justice reform, and other important issues. Many of us are disheartened by the debate and decisions made by the recent United Methodist General Conference. We have more questions than answers and yet we remain committed to the cause of justice.

You may be wondering: what can the season of Lent teach us about social justice? Today, I believe we can look for an answer in the words of Jesus found in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

In Luke’s gospel, and in his chronology, these words are found immediately following Jesus’ forty days in the desert, the passage most associated with the 40 days of Lent. Jesus uplifts these words, read from the prophet Isaiah, to mark the beginning of his public ministry. The words are used as an introductory statement of his earthly ministry.

In the passage, Jesus speaks words of anointing, of good news, of release from captivity, of recovery from blindness, of freedom from oppression, of favor, hope, and justice. After reading, he proclaims “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

During this season of Lent, the FaithJustice Foundation will be offering reflections based on Luke 4:18-19. We will reflect on the connection between contemplation and action, two ideals that are often seen as separate in our busy churches and our harried world. We will also reflect on a gospel that offers good news to the poor, release to captives, and freedom from oppression. We will reflect on our calling to follow Jesus by continuing his work proclaiming God’s favor to all who are oppressed and creating a more just world.  

We invite you to join us on this Lenten journey and to share with your friends and churches.  We will post the reflections on our website, on Facebook and Twitter, as well as through this e-newsletter. 

We also invite your support during this season of Lent as we seek to build this organization to fulfill our calling to support local churches starting or building social justice ministries.

Thank you for your support and richest blessings during this season of Lent.

Lenten Blessings,

Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver, JD
Founder and President 

More Lenten Resources
on Social Justice

United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race
Roll Down, Justice! and other Resources

Catholic: Network Lobby
Lent 2019: Recommit to Racial Justice

Riverside Church (UCC)
Podcast: Be Still and Go: Meditations for the Movement

North Carolina Council of Churches
A Time to Mend: A Social Justice Study for Lent (2014)